Custom Binding

One of the most rewarding discoveries in my past decade of work on press, printing and binding has been collaborating with a client on their personal projects – bringing their stories to life in print and book form. Often the same thoughtful approach is useful for a business client wishing to develop a customized packaging campaign for a product or service. Each of these projects benefits from close attention to detail but also understanding what the final piece will feel like and how it may last over time.
Please click an image to jump to a full page with further information and images for each project.

Cover of The Monkey Book

The Monkey Book by Joanne W. Nixon

It Wasn't Little Rock by Clarissa Sligh

It Wasn’t Little Rock by Clarissa Sligh

Small book of love poems; accordion binding

Love Poems

O'Connor Family Stories

O’Connor Family Stories

Memorial - box for Remembrances book


A Life Line Book of Memories

Fiesta de Nan

Memorial Book for friends of Bishop

Friends of Bishop

Custom bindings for restaurant - Storm

STORM Rhum Bar & Restaurant